gagengirl entertainment

about the author

(written by the author)

When I was in school, I was an overachiever.  I graduated from Saint Louis University in 1997 with three majors (Communications, Marketing, and Management Information Systems) and two degrees (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration).  And in 2004, I graduated from Webster University with my Master of Business Administration.  I’ve always enjoyed learning … and writing.

My seventh grade creative writing assignments inspired me to write.  I started my first (and only unfinished) book in eighth grade.  Between my freshman and sophomore years, I began the first one I would actually finish.  It took me nine years and several drastic revisions to finish a version I was happy with.

Novels, screenplays, pilot episodes, short stories, online stories, musicals … I’ve written them all.  (The musical is currently lacking music, but that is on my ever-growing to do list.)

I launched the first version of my website on April 6, 2010, officially taking the pen name Cynthia Gagen.  And twelve days later, I became a published author with Mad Dog Chronicles.  I haven’t looked back.

Self-publishing is a lot of work.  So is maintaining the website and marketing and … I keep myself very busy.  It’s rewarding to be my own boss, not that I wouldn’t love to be traditionally published some day.  But there’s a reason I noted my education above.  It shows why this is my dream job, doing it this way.  My dream job may not be paying the bills just yet (my day job does that).  But I believe if I continue to work hard, it will some day.  I’m prepared to work hard until it does.

gagengirl entertainment

about the author

(written by the author)

When I was in school, I was an overachiever.  I graduated from Saint Louis University in 1997 with three majors (Communications, Marketing, and Management Information Systems) and two degrees (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration).  And in 2004, I graduated from Webster University with my Master of Business Administration.  I’ve always enjoyed learning … and writing.

My seventh grade creative writing assignments inspired me to write.  I started my first (and only unfinished) book in eighth grade.  Between my freshman and sophomore years, I began the first one I would actually finish.  It took me nine years and several drastic revisions to finish a version I was happy with.

Novels, screenplays, pilot episodes, short stories, online stories, musicals … I’ve written them all.  (The musical is currently lacking music, but that is on my ever-growing to do list.)

I launched the first version of my website on April 6, 2010, officially taking the pen name Cynthia Gagen.  And twelve days later, I became a published author with Mad Dog Chronicles.  I haven’t looked back.

Self-publishing is a lot of work.  So is maintaining the website and marketing and … I keep myself very busy.  It’s rewarding to be my own boss, not that I wouldn’t love to be traditionally published some day.  But there’s a reason I noted my education above.  It shows why this is my dream job, doing it this way.  My dream job may not be paying the bills just yet (my day job does that).  But I believe if I continue to work hard, it will some day.  I’m prepared to work hard until it does.